Holiday Club account rates
Maximize your holiday savings
Between gift-giving, entertaining and traveling, holiday expenses can add up fast. Save with a competitive rate that helps your money grow year-round!
Account Type | Balance Tier | Dividend Rate | Annual Percentage Yield (APY)1 | Min. to Open | Min. to Earn |
Holiday Club Savings | n/a | 0.30% | 0.30% | $25 | $100 |
Rates are effective as of 04/01/2023 and are subject to change without notice. 1Savings Rates: Dividends and annual percentage yields (APY) accurate as of the last dividend declaration date. The dividend rate and annual percentage yield may change after account opening. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. |
Holiday budgeting guide
Plan ahead to save more
Keep holiday costs down with our free holiday spending budget. It can help you plan for gifts, travel and other expenses. Plus, get tips to avoid overspending during the season!
Savings calculators
Crunch the numbers
Between gift-giving, entertaining and traveling, holiday expenses can add up fast. Save with a competitive rate that helps your money grow year-round! Use our free savings calculators to plan ahead. Get a feel for how much you should save each month, whether it’s based on your holiday spending goals or your income and other expenses.