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Debt Consolidation Calculator

Debt Consolidation Calculator

Are you tired of making multiple payments? Using debt consolidation to combine debts into one payment might lower your interest rate and save you some money. Try our free debt…

Personal Loans

Personal Loans

From covering an emergency to funding life’s fun, Dupaco’s personal loans may help. Enjoy low rates and flexible repayment terms that fit your needs. Apply today

Home Equity Calculator

Home Equity Calculator

A home equity line of credit gives you flexible, ongoing access to funds. It works kind of like a credit card—borrow what you need, pay it off and borrow again.…

Business Equipment & Vehicle Loan

Business Equipment & Vehicle Loan

From construction gear to snow plows and everything in between, we've got you covered with financing equipment, machinery, titled goods and other working capital assets. Apply today


Whether you’re a first-year college student or looking to further your skills, we’re here with the resources, tools and scholarships to help you reach your goals.

Business Line of Credit

Business Line of Credit

Whether you’re waiting on customer payments or expanding your inventory, a revolving line of credit may help you easily manage your business expenses and improve your cash flow.   Apply today

Welcome to Dupaco

This means if you previously banked with HSB, you’re now Dupaco’s newest member-owner. But it’s not all that different than what you’re already used to. In fact, for the majority…

Business Loan Application Checklist

Business Loan Application Checklist

Whether you're looking to purchase an investment property or ramp up your existing space for expansion and remodeling, our flexible Business Real Estate Loan solutions are here to fuel your…

Business Loans & Lines of Credit

Business Loans & Lines of Credit

Whether you’re starting a new business, expanding or improving day-to-day operations, Dupaco business loans make business purchases accessible and affordable. 


Along with planning your wedding day, don't forget about planning for your marriage. Before getting married, it's important to start thinking about what your financial lives will look like after…

Make Home Improvements

No project is too big or too small if it makes your home happier—and you know how much you can afford to spend. Take advantage of our free resources to…

Common Scams

Criminals have many ways of tricking you into sharing your personal and financial information. Taking the time to understand their common scams can help protect you against fraud and identity…
