Small Business Loan
Flexible funding for loans less than $50,000
Whether you’d like to start a business or take your business to the next level, our Small Business Loans have you covered.
Ready to apply? Here's how:
Prepare your application
Download and complete the fillable PDF application and personal financial statement.
Want to speed things up? Include your personal and business tax returns from the last two years.
Hint: If you’re buying, we’ll need a purchase agreement.
Submit your application
Submit your completed application and personal financial statement. Then they’ll be sent to our lending team for review!
Hint: You can drop off your application and supporting documents at your nearest branch, too!
Other documents may be requested after time of application. Guarantees are required.
Crunch the numbers
Calculate the price tag of a small business loan
Contact us
Have questions? Need help?
Drop us your info below and we’ll be in touch. Need to talk sooner? Just give us a call at 800-373-7600, ext. 234.

Business Resource Center
Resources to help you make the business of running your business easier
Starting—and running—a business is a labor of love. But you don’t have to do it alone. Use our free resources to help you every step of the way.